How to Craft your Unique Morning Routine

Using best-selling books for help

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Something most people do not talk about far too often is the self-development rabbit hole. The one even the most cautious self-development and productivity aficionados may get lost in as they start looking into hacking their way to success.

One of the aforementioned rabbit hole (and potentially a whole circle in hell) is the one about morning routines. Amazon reminds me there are over 2,000 results for the keyword morning routine - and this may just be at first glance.

Should you wake up 5am every morning, whilst the world still slumbers? Should you start your days with Tai Chi? Or maybe walking on hot coal?

From very out there routines to questionable practices, I have read, implemented, tried and experimented with dozens of “foolproof” ways to start my morning.

Yet, dear rebel, there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach to this - and yes I talk a lot about it in my book, Reclaim your Time Off.

You could argue, we all make our best of our mornings in our very own way. But a little help never hurt nobody, right?

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