How to Use 80/20 in Marketing

A simple way to identify focus

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Recently, I found myself in a bit of a pickle. With some massive client projects landing on my plate, I had to delegate almost 80% of my tasks for the school.

As a type A, organisation-driven human this was not an easy ride.

That much I can tell you, even with a wonderful team there to help me. Still, I turned to the trusty Pareto Principle to make it happen!

The 80/20 principle is everywhere, and it's not just some fancy theory. Also known as the Pareto principle, it was first described by Vilfredo Pareto.

Pareto was an economist who studied how resources were spread among people.

He noticed a pattern: a small number of people held most of the wealth. This discovery led him to dig deeper, and he found that this pattern showed up in all kinds of situations.

How can you use this for your own work? You’re about to find out.

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